November 1, 2022
Set of spanners on top of a keyboard

Do you need a WordPress support contract?

So you've got a brand new WordPress website, but really not sure whether you really need to invest in a support package. Like any other valuable asset, your website will need looking after if you want to keep it in tip top condition. Still not convinced? Here's some useful information that could sway your decision in the right direction!
October 15, 2022
Making e-commerce websites mobile responsive

Improving your ecommerce website’s customer reviews

We live in a world of reviews, where everything from the local florist to the latest state of the art TV screen has been critiqued. Which is why, when it comes to your ecommerce website you should be doing your best to make sure customers are happy. Joe Riley gives you 10 ways to start improving your customer reviews
October 10, 2022

Why businesses choose WordPress

Looking for a website that's easy to manage and doesn't require advanced IT skills? Then WordPress should be your content management of choice! Powering what seems like a zillion websites, and with rave reviews, you really can't go wrong. But here are 5 good reasons, just in case you're still dubious...
October 8, 2022

Website maintenance – do I need it?

Like any other investment, your brand new website will need to be looked after. And could you really cope with the downtime and aftermath if anything stopped it from working? Here are some reasons why you should consider having the buffer of a good website maintenance service.
October 5, 2022

So, your website text content got copied?

When your website search rankings suddenly take a tumble, could it be that someone has copied your text content? It could well be the case, as unfortunately copyright theft is hugely common. Here are some useful steps that we use that may help you resolve the issue.
June 29, 2022

Farewell Internet Explorer

Joe Riley reflects back and says a fondish farewell to Microsoft's Internet Explorer, which for many of us was the browser we were stuck with back then, all those years ago. Time and technology never stay still, and let's be honest, Internet Explorer had become a bit of a dusty old relic...
June 28, 2022

Introducing the IDEA Mississauga website

We were delighted to work with the City of Mississauga to design and build the new IDEA Mississauga website. This impressive website aims to promoting the city as a global innovator. It also provides a hub for entrepreneurs to access information and services to help them succeed.
June 15, 2022

AI in web development? What’s all that about?

Just how have those darned websites become so clever and helpful? Believe it or not, it's a lot down to the use of artificial intelligence, or AI as it's more commonly known. AI has fast become a necessary element of all website development, because businesses want to keep their online customers happy and engaged.
May 8, 2022

Top 10 Website Design Trends in 2022

Want to keep ahead of the game with your website in 2022? Joe Riley shares his predictions for what could well be the top 10 web design trends in 2022. From 3D design elements, to making us of dark and light modes, there's something for everyone to help their websites shine out from the crowd!
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