AI in web development? What's all that about?

Gone are the days where Artificial Intelligence is a fictitious and futuristic concept seen only on our television screens.

Over recent years AI has grown in both stature and capability, leading to its adoption across a number of disciplines, like banking, education, healthcare, and most notably website development. Globally, web developers are continuously searching for the optimal online user experience and how to best implement it into their websites. This vast rate of development can be hard to keep up with.

Developers strive to produce secure and scalable sites, that are jam-packed with features. They are also now required to provide an almost personalised website experience, as if their site has been tailored to each of its individual users.

It’s also important to mention that it’s no use in having any of these features if your website looks rubbish. Approximately 38% of people will leave a website if they think its unattractive, whilst over 75% of consumers will judge an organisations credibility on the basis of its website design. Fortunately, for developers AI can take care of nearly all of that, almost automatically.

AI can be used by developers to effortlessly ‘hand-pick’ the colours, styles, fonts, and themes of their site. The design elements and features chosen for the new/redeveloped site are based off of popular websites, similar to yours, that your target users already use and like.

Moreover, website users want to be able to find what they’re looking for, and they want to find it quickly. Through the analysis of a user’s previous search history, social demographics, geographic location, and various other factors AI is able to tailor the content of your site specifically to that individual user.

It’s also capable of providing suggestions for new content that users might not have seen before but are likely to enjoy.

AI also enables developers to introduce “virtual assistants” to their sites. These are chatbots that provide users with 24/7, 365-days-a-year support to answer any queries that web users may have. Talk about customer service!

Of course, the human touch of a web-developer is still the most valuable tool when it comes to web-development. But the adoption of AI is proving to be a useful tool to help developers keep up with the demands of the increasingly needy online population.

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