July 31, 2023

Why use a WordPress theme?

Everyone needs to keep an eye on their spending nowadays, which is why choosing to use a WordPress theme for your new website could be a great idea for your business. Find out more...
June 22, 2023
Hands making heart symbol at gay pride parade

Pride month is here in Canada – show your support!

June is Pride month in Canada, and THE place to be is Toronto! So how can you show support for Pride and appreciation for the LGBT staff you have in your work place. Every little thing counts you know...
June 9, 2023


Please do NOT apply for any job you see listed with us. They are are NOT real. The person advertising them is a scammer seeking your personal information.
April 5, 2023

Achieving the best web design for construction companies

If you have an existing website for your construction company but looking for a revamp, or perhaps you're a start-up looking for a new website, here's some great advice on how to approach your web design project.
March 30, 2023

Does your small business have to do social media marketing?

As if small business owners don't already have enough to do, and then social media marketing comes along! The trick is to not stress out and get overwhelmed. Here's some great advice on what to do, what not to do, and how to make the best of your efforts...
January 19, 2023

Choosing a WooCommerce web design company

Great news that you're considering getting your new website built in WooCommerce! A great decision, but now who do you actually hire to design and build the new website? Sit back with a large cup of coffee (or tea) and digest these great tips on shortlisting the best possible WooCommerce web design and development company!
December 1, 2022
Trying on glasses at Bay Bloor Eyecare

Achieving the best in healthcare web design

Healthcare website design should always be focused for the end user - the patients. Healthcare providers have stiff online competition, so achieving a cutting edge will be key to success. Here we look at some essential elements that can help make a great looking health care website that truly appeals to patients
November 28, 2022

8 Ecommerce strategies that could improve your Holiday sales

We all seem to love shopping online, and especially this time of the year when we can avoid the shopping mall crowds. Here are eight smashing ways to get your own ecommerce website primed for the onslaught of online shoppers. From offering gift cards to scheduling social media boosts, don't miss out on bumper sales this Holiday season!
November 24, 2022

How to choose the right images for your website.

Images used on a website can either captivate us or repel us. If you're investing in a new website, take the time to source out good quality images that will help to communicate your message. Here we look at how using the right images on a website can really help you connect with visitors.
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