October 10, 2022

Why businesses choose WordPress

Looking for a website that's easy to manage and doesn't require advanced IT skills? Then WordPress should be your content management of choice! Powering what seems like a zillion websites, and with rave reviews, you really can't go wrong. But here are 5 good reasons, just in case you're still dubious...
October 8, 2022

Website maintenance – do I need it?

Like any other investment, your brand new website will need to be looked after. And could you really cope with the downtime and aftermath if anything stopped it from working? Here are some reasons why you should consider having the buffer of a good website maintenance service.
October 5, 2022

So, your website text content got copied?

When your website search rankings suddenly take a tumble, could it be that someone has copied your text content? It could well be the case, as unfortunately copyright theft is hugely common. Here are some useful steps that we use that may help you resolve the issue.
May 8, 2022

Top 10 Website Design Trends in 2022

Want to keep ahead of the game with your website in 2022? Joe Riley shares his predictions for what could well be the top 10 web design trends in 2022. From 3D design elements, to making us of dark and light modes, there's something for everyone to help their websites shine out from the crowd!
November 4, 2021

Best ways to achieve exposure for your Blog articles

Writing a good Blog article can take a lot of time and effort. That's why you need make sure your efforts get noticed by promoting it to the right people. Here are some great ways to maximize exposure for your written works, shared by our own Blog writing expert Joe Riley.
October 20, 2021
Choosing a doughnut from a colourful box full.

The art of choosing a great Blog topic

When the clock is ticking away, and your deadline to create a great Blog is almost up, what do you do? It's certainly not fun having writer's block. Have no fear, Joe Riley is here to invigorate you and help you choose a great Blog topic!
July 14, 2021
Young guy thinking about what to do for website hosting

Answers to common Website Hosting questions!

Website hosting is a hot topic here at Globalgraphics Web Design! We're finding that more and more customers are actually asking questions about this often overlooked subject. And rightly so, as website hosting can make or break a website. In this article Joe Riley answers some of the most common questions people ask us about hosting...
July 12, 2021

What’s the best domain extension name for my business?

So many domain name extensions to choose from! Do you go .com. or .co? Does it all really matter anyway? Here Joe Riley, our newest team member, has a closer peek at those extensions that we all type in everyday without much thought. It's time to get wise with your domain name extensions people...
April 21, 2021
Customer looking at website concepts on a screen with web designer

Our Web Design and Development processes explained

So how does it all actually work with web design and development? Here's an overview of the processes we undertake to create a new website, from the initial talk, to search marketing. We're with you all the way to make sure your new website not only looks amazing, but you enjoy the process too.
Let's Talk