April 7, 2021

Top 10 SEO tactics for 2021

Keeping ahead of the game with Search Engine Optimization can be difficult. There always seems to be some new algorithm changes released that make your rankings wobble or even drop! Here we look at some great SEO tactics that businesses just like yours are using in 2021 to give themselves the cutting edge...
April 2, 2021

Choosing the right Website Hosting Company

Website hosting is often thrown in as part of the deal when a new website is designed. But will that complimentary service be enough to meet your own individual online needs? Cheap or free hosting often comes with a catch. Here's how to be more savvy when looking around for the right website hosting for your business...
March 26, 2021
Web designer working on a client project

COVID 19 working practices update

The show must go on, especially with the huge increase in demand for website design and ecommerce stores! Here's how Globalgraphics Web Design has adapted during these very difficult times to provide all of the services we offer. In many ways, the new systems and technology in place have helped both us and our customers save time!
November 24, 2020

Key updates to Google Analytics 4

Keeping ahead of the game in the fast moving world of websites and online competition is essential. And, when it comes to monitoring a website's performance, Google Analytics has been the 'go to' tool for all of us for many years. Here we have a closer look at Google Analytics 4 and what improvements have been made to help us all achieve better online success...
November 18, 2020
Man packaging parcels for ecommerce orders.

Best Ecommerce Niche Stores for 2020

Throughout all the turbulence of 2020, online store owners have seen an expected boom in sales. As people turn to shopping online, the Internet has become mall to visit! You don't have to be one of the big ecommerce guys to be successful either. Niche ecommerce stores have been flourishing too. Now I wonder what you'll start selling online?
November 16, 2020
Bar showing the loading of a website

Get your website holiday-ready with these optimization tips

Where did the time fly - we're already fast approaching Holiday Season! Many ecommerce website business owners have held their own in this crazy COVID year, with surging online sales. This holiday season will hopefully see those sales booming even more, so it's essential to get your website in optimized and in tip-top condition...
October 12, 2020
Spanner engraved with the letters SEO

Top 100 tools to help your SEO

Competition is indeed fierce online. Regardless of what business you are in! Optimizing your website for the search engines is an absolute necessity, if you are looking to generate sales leads. Luckily help is at hand for all of us with the plethora of SEO tools that are readily available. Here are 100 SEO tools waiting to help you achieve online success...
September 11, 2020
Pad, pencil and cup of coffee on a desk

Looking to Make Money on the Internet?

Looking for ideas to help boost your cash? Perhaps something working from home? Why not consider making money on the Internet? There are still some great opportunities online for budding entrepreneurs. Here we look at some popular ways that can help generate extra income for you. You never know, perhaps operating an online business will prove to be the best job that you've ever had!
September 8, 2020
Checklist of SEO items being ticked off in red

The Best SEO WordPress Checklist for 2020

So you've got a great looking WordPress website and naturally you want everyone to see it! That's why you need to get your mind focused on improving your website for the search engines. It's time to make that website work for you! Here are some of the best tips for 2020 to improve SEO for your WordPress website. Some items you will be able to do yourself, others an SEO company in Toronto like us can do!
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