Do you need a website support contract?

Did you know that it takes only 0.05 seconds for a potential client visiting your website to make a judgment on whether to stay or not? If your site suffers from slow loading speeds, unattractive layouts, or other factors that diminish the user experience, you are not only ranking lower on Google search results but also losing otherwise interested customers.

Even if your company’s website seems impressive now, Google will still penalize you in search rankings if you aren’t updating and maintaining it regularly. Add to that Google’s heavy focus on mobile experiences—and you’ll understand that having access to ongoing support is mandatory today.

Finding the time to take care of minor website issues isn’t something most business owners have time for. That’s why website support contracts, such as the ones provided by Globalgraphics, are so popular today. They’re an efficient way to ensure your website is working as intended and give you peace of mind that the experts in website maintenance are always at your service.

Let’s discuss what these contracts can do for you, and where you can find the best website support solutions in Toronto.

Why Ongoing Website Support Is a Must-Have Today

There are a variety of reasons why websites need to stay updated today. Your website is a living, breathing asset, and you need to ensure that it keeps working as intended, that it is built using best practices, and focuses on providing an exceptional user experience.

Here are a few reasons why a website support contract is worthwhile for your business:

Keeping Your Site Up-To-Date

A website support contract is designed to help you maintain a trouble free website and to make modifications and minor changes on an as-needed basis.

Google loves sites that continually update their content. By modernizing and improving existing web pages, companies can obtain additional value out of existing content in which they already invested before.

One way you can do this is by updating existing blog posts with new information, updating trend lists to focus on the current year, and focusing on writing evergreen content that is timeless.

Maintain a Secure Website

Cybersecurity is a huge topic nowadays. From outdated plugins to improperly configured security settings, website vulnerabilities are a significant liability that can degrade consumer trust. Companies in the EU will also have to comply with the security requirements of the GDPR.

Plugins are especially vulnerable to cyberattacks, as over 70% of plugins on WordPress-based websites are potential risks. According to Verizon’s 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report, 43% of data breach victims were small businesses.

Protect yourself with a service contract to identify and troubleshoot issues early on.

Collecting Analytics to Make Improvements

Business analytics and reports are important assets that should never be a “set it and forget it” consideration. Look into the information you collect through a service contract, including how users interact with the site and what parts perform the best.

Using these analytics to your advantage involves detailed SEO reports to help you develop actionable insights from raw data to improve the user experience.

Tracking the Small Issues

You don’t have time to look at every minor issue for your website, but small problems can spiral out of control if left untreated. Only a single outdated plugin or cybersecurity hole can lead to compromised internal data.

Also, check for dead links on your site. Any links that lead to 404 error pages damage your reputability and rank you lower in search engine results.

Storing Emergency Backups

In the event of a catastrophic data loss, you will be glad that you kept backups of your website’s content. Rebuilding or reinstalling is easy once you have all your code and content saved up.

Code involves the Javascript, HTML, plugins, or other related files. Content is the text, images, and videos of your site.

Creating a Better User Experience

Digital transformations and the user experience are two tremendously common buzzwords in business for good reasons. Today’s customers connect with companies on all fronts, both in-store and online.

Companies need to optimize all aspects of their sales funnels if they want to be successful. A website maintenance contract keeps your user experience by identifying improvements and carrying them out. For instance, it can boost how quickly your site loads, as every 100 milliseconds of extra loading time results in a 7% drop in conversion rates on average.

… Especially on Mobile

Now that everyone has a smartphone, your clients likely browse the mobile version of the company website often. Ensure your mobile offerings receive the same maintenance and attention as your desktop counterpart.

BrightEdge’s 2018 Mobile Research Roundup concludes that 57% of U.S. online traffic comes from smartphones and tablets. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to gain new clients.

You can’t afford to provide a lackluster mobile experience. It will cost you sales, and it will affect your core KPIs.

Be Proactive, Not Reactive

You need to change your approach to website support to stay competitive. Ongoing website support changes the dynamic of how you respond to threats.

It’s important that you are proactive rather than reactive. Amending problems early on before they negatively impact the user experience is a much safer way to approach your website as it will mitigate risks before they worsen.

Need a Support Contract? Globalgraphics Can Help

Website maintenance requires extensive efforts and attention from any business. Want to improve this essential avenue of consumer interaction for your company but don’t have the resources to do so?

Get in touch with Globalgraphics Web Design, one of the most renowned website support companies in Toronto. We are launching a new service with a range of support options for your website in January 2020. Check back then for launch promotions.

Since website security, performance, analytics, and modernization are all such vital aspects to the success of a business—you might want to consider opting for our advanced support package as well.

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