Tips for anyone looking to get a website done: Part 2

Following on the previous article tips, here’s some useful advice to keep in mind as you begin to look for suitable web design companies to work with.

The first thing you’ll notice is that there are loads of web design companies in Toronto out there to choose from. And that alone can make most people go into a panic about who to approach. Don’t get overwhelmed. Make a checklist of criteria that is important to you and that will help you narrow down your choice to a handful of companies.

Here are some criteria you may want consider for your list:

Does the web design company have a great looking website? That may sound a silly question, but if the website looks amateurish or outdated, then how do you think your new website would look?

What’s in their on-line Portfolio? Good web design companies will only be too happy to display a range of website designs that they have created for customers. Do you like the style of the websites that they have created?

What do their clients say about them? Always check out the Testimonials section of their website to find out more.

Get in touch with them. Good communications will be key at every stage of your project. Being able to actually talk to someone is essential. As an aside, we actually did some research on this and found that many web design companies we contacted had answering machines in place, and phone calls back to us were very late coming, or didn’t happen at all!

Are they helpful? Do they listen to your needs and ask questions to clarify points? Do they explain things well, or confuse you with techno talk? Again, good communication channels will be essential throughout your website project. At the end of the day would you be able to work with these people?

Can they deliver to your budget. This is the top question that will dictate who you can choose. Don’t be afraid to ask what the starting price is for websites? Prices can vary quite dramatically believe it or not. Bear in mind here that someone offering a cheap price to do your project could well mean you being delivered a cheap looking website.

In the next Blog we’ll be looking at tips on preparing to start your website design project

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