May 20, 2017
The beauty of minimalism shown in a lounge space.

Minimalist web design still going strong

There has been big movement in businesses choosing minimalist web design. This means that websites have become less cluttered, and in many cases a lot of white space is used. Minimalist style websites are designed to put visitors in charge of their browsing experience.
February 1, 2017

Are you neglecting your website?

With the New Year comes lots of proactive decisions that hopefully you'll see through. One of those decisions may to take a long hard look at your website design to see how it could be improved. If that sounds daunting why not get a web design company to critique it for you!
January 10, 2017
Man jumping between rocks.

Thinking about a new website this year?

It's a New Year and new start! Could your website design do with a bit of a revamp? Then it's time to contact one of the web design companies in Toronto to see how they can get your website spic and span. Great looking web design also doesn't have to be too expensive.
August 15, 2016

The visitors that arrive…and then disappear

If you have noticed that your website has lots of visitors that suddenly drop off, then it may well be your website's accessibility that's the problem. With over 60% of people accessing websites using their smart phone or tablet, websites now have to facilitate this using responsive web design.
June 13, 2016
Office workers happy that website was a success.

What makes a website a success?

Your website should be one of your main marketing tools, and promoted correctly it should really help your business grow. So what makes a website a success? Is it the great looking web design that encourages visitors to stop, stay and get in contact? Or the on-line sales it generates?
April 20, 2016

Are your Products letting down your e-commerce website?

When looking at elements of an on-line stores that might put off customers, it's not just e-commerce web design and layout. Customers need to make an informed choice when purchasing products, that's why all product information that you display should be as full and clear as possible.
March 20, 2016
E-commerce web design in Canada.

Full steam ahead for E-commerce in Canada

Us Canadians love to shop on-line and the figures prove it. So it's not a real surprise that the demand for quality e-commerce web design services has increased too. You'd be surprised at the types of business embracing e-commerce as part of their long-term business strategy.
January 25, 2016
Working out a budget for web design.

Web design on a budget?

If your business needs to keep expenditure down for web design, then take comfort that there is a great solution for you to still have an awesome looking website. Website Themes are web designs that have already been created, and can be purchased for your own website.
January 2, 2016
Man shrugging at importance of web design.

It’s only a website… so what’s all the fuss?

Not so long ago many businesses didn't really care what their website design looked like. They had a website, and that was all that mattered. How times have changed, and now making sure that you have the best possible website design to market your products or services is essential.
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